About Fearless Women's Conference

In a Few Words

We Are Expecting Great Things

Fearless is a life-changing experience released through conferences held all over the country.

The purpose of Fearless is to help girls, teens, and women take that bold step into purpose.  It is to help them to understand the call of God on their lives and be activated into it. We pray that women would move to influence their culture and lead in their communities.

We are called to be Fearless in Christ.  If we could only imagine…

We want to empower girls, teens, and women:
– to find their “brave” and move forward in it.
– to understand that they, too, were created to lead.
– to have confidence and a healthy self-image in the way that God created them.
– to open businesses, create, invent, and design by offering resources and support.

Tenets of Faith

WE BELIEVE…The Bible is inerrant in content, complete in revelation, and absolute in authority.

WE BELIEVE…The Bible is the only inspired infallible word of God.

WE BELIEVE…There is only one God existing in three persons, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE…In the deity of Christ

WE BELIEVE…In His virgin birth.

WE BELIEVE…In the atoning blood of Jesus to eternal life.

WE BELIEVE…His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father.

WE BELIEVE…In the resurrection of the saved to eternal life.